Indicates whether the device has been added to the ClearPass Profile.įrom the Configuration > Identity > Endpoints page, click the Add link. For example, when the category is Computer, ClearPass shows aĭevice OS Family of Windows, Linux, or macOS. Specifies the operating system that the device runs on.
Indicates the category of the profiled device. Then you can specify from one to three device filters to refine the endpoint information you wish to view.ĭisplays the MAC address of the endpoint. You can choose to select ALL matches or ANY matches. Updating Device Fingerprints From a Hosted PortalĬonfiguring Endpoint Context Server ActionsĪdding Vendor-Specific Endpoint Context Servers Viewing the List of Authentication EndpointsĬlearPass Policy Manager automatically lists all the endpoints thatĪre authenticated in the Configuration > Identity > Endpoints page. Triggering Actions to Be Performed on Endpoints Performing Bulk Deletions of Endpoint Attributes Performing Bulk Updates of Endpoint Attributes Viewing the List of Authentication Endpoints This section provides the following information: Open topic with navigation Adding and Modifying Endpoints